Welcome to Living Water Home Educators

Membership Information

The cost is $25 per year to join Living Water Home Educators(LWHE). This $25 fee does not apply toward Living Water Enrichment class registration, tuition or class fees, and it is non-refundable. 

You can join to keep updated on your local homeschooling community, to participate in the multitude of Living Water Home Educators activities & to get support during your homeschooling years!  JOIN HERE >

Enjoy these benefits:

  • Participation in Living Water Enrichment (LWE) classes which are provided from September through May each year. (currently at Shawnee Baptist Church in Shamong)
  • Participation in events and activities organized by LWHE. (field trips, holiday parties, etc...)
  • Participation in social clubs:  Girls 7-11(Water Lillies), Boys 7-11(Typhoons), Jr. High grades 6-8(H2O), & Highschoolers(Tsunami).
  • Participation in seminars, workshops, and retreats (eg. Mom's Retreat, Mom's Tea)  designed exclusively for members.
  • 8th grade graduation.
  • Participation in Help groups (Homeschool through Highschool & Newbies)
  • Participation in the online member discussion forum.
  • Email delivery of the Living Water Weekly eNews.
  • Participation in the Members Business Directory. The Members Business Directory allows for the free advertising of skills or services of members, to all members of the LWHE website.
  • Access to private, member only, features and links on the website. (eg. photo gallery, directory, event sign up, classifieds).
  • Membership card which entitles you to local business discounts, where teacher discounts are given.
  • HSLDA membership discount.
  • Support or assistance as needed (eg. Food Pantry, Meal Ministry)